The Ripple Effect of Words

Last week, I attended the funeral for a woman I hadn’t seen in thirty years. She was the mother of one of my best friends in high school, who I’d also lost touch with. But I still carried both of them in my heart because of the impact they’d had on my faith journey.
Not surprisingly, the service revealed the lovely 93-year-old had a positive influence on four generations of family also in attendance.
I hung out at Tina’s house when we were in high school, as best friends tend to do, and got to know her mama. I came to love Ella’s gentle spirit and unassuming manner.
It was Tina who’d told me about her mother’s act of faith that’s stayed with me all these years.
One week, Ella had a decision to make. Money was tight. If she tithed on Sunday, as was her custom, she would not have lunch money for Tina. She tithed anyway, trusting God to provide.
On Sunday evening, she found a few dollars in a coat pocket. It was enough for a week of school lunches.
This simple act of faith got the attention of this teenager. Could the found money be more than coincidence as Tina and her mom believed?
Later, as a young mother teaching school, I was in charge of family finances. We were trying to build our budget to tithe and give God our first fruits. One month I wrote the checks, and it was apparent that if I gave the budgeted amount, I wouldn’t have the money to make our credit card payment.
I thought of Ella. Dare I step out in faith?
I decided to write the check to the church and hold off on the credit card and cut expenses so I could double up next month. When the statement came, I opened it expecting to see a late fee. But this wasn’t the case! I had paid extra the previous month, so a payment wasn’t even due.
Since that time, I’ve been blessed time and again by the Lord when I give although money is tight.
Tina’s story and her mom’s actions had a ripple effect. God used their testimony to plant a seed in my heart that has continued to grow since.
God later led me to use this personal experience in a devotion I wrote for a Sunday School publication. Who knows? Maybe it motivated someone to put their faith in God as they tithed. Maybe their action influenced someone else.
We never know the effect our words and actions may have on others—no matter how simple. God uses us if we let Him. We need to share our testimony, whether in conversation or writing. We don’t need a jaw-dropping, mired-in-sin, raised-from-the-dead story to steer someone’s heart toward God in some small way.
And we need to trust that God uses our words although we may not know it until we arrive at heaven’s gates.
We never know the effect our words and actions may have on others—no matter how simple. God uses us if we let Him. Share on X“For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37 NIV).
Oh how true! I think of words and actions promised and not delivered upon. If we experienced this as a child, by parents, teachers, friends it can leave long lasting wounds. In which baggage may need unpacked later on in life. I have often pondered Psalm 15:4 ESV in light of words and actions. Thank you Lord for your love, mercy and grace.
I agree with you 100%. And thank for pointing me to Psalm 15:3. I loved all of Psalm 15 – Who Shall Dwell on Your Holy Hill?
I think it’s just as important to speak kind words of praise, encouragement, compliments, and our testimony as it is not to hurt others with our words. Because I’m an introvert, I don’t always do that.
Thanks for your comment.
I enjoyed your post, Candyce. So much truth. God is faithful to provide, and others watch us walk out our faith. Hopefully I’m sharing a story of hope and love with my words and actions while they watch. Thank you!
Thanks Luann! That is our ultimate goal: to become more like Him as we walk the walk.
I love this: “We never know the effect our words and actions may have on others—no matter how simple. ” No matter how SIMPLE. Because God’s ways are higher than our ways, and what may seem “simple” to us may be very significant to others. Your words to us as writers are to be obedient to God, writing the words He’s given us, and let Him use them according to His will! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Julie. Holding on to this truth helps me get through discouraging moments. I also think we should use our words to let others know when their actions or words have had a ‘faith impact’ on us.
How very true Ms. Candyce. We never know how God can use our words, and our actions. I try and remind myself that everything I say and do may be used to show God to someone. What image would God want me to show in each moment? Wonderful post ma’am; thank you so much for the sweet blessing.
Yes. And I’m trying to be more “out there” in sharing the blessings God brings me via others. We all need encouragement that our efforts are not in vain. With that being said, thank you for your encouragement and for what you’re teaching me through your attitude and actions.