The Cowboy Poet

Today I’m pleased to introduce you to my lifelong friend, Ernie Roberts. I recently caught up with Ernie at our high school reunion. In school, Ernie was know for the pranks he played on his friends and his skill on the basketball court. After playing college ball for a while, God led him to bull riding and writing poetry. Interesting combination, huh?
Did you know cowboy poetry is a genre of its own and dates back to the cattle drives of the 1870s? I didn’t. Enjoy getting to know Ernie through two of his poems and read more about Cowboys for Christ in his bio below.
HORSES DO GO TO HEAVEN Oh Lord, what ya done was the best thing to do, but I sure do miss that ole horse since you took him to heaven to be with you. He lived a full life til he was thirty years old, and you gave him such a big heart, Lord, you had to give him a soul. I've lost count of all the buckaroos he taught to rope and ride and most of 'em came to pay honor when we laid him to rest the day he died. Some of my best memories are times we spent together, the miles we traveled, the rodeos, and even ropin' in bad weather. It was usually my fault if we didn't win 'cause he was always perfect when that barrier went up and I backed him in. He could head or heel and rope calves too. So if you'd like to ride him Lord, just give him his head 'cause he knows what to do. If there's ever been a horse that deserved the heavenly way, he's right there with you Lord and I still think about him every single day. So yeah, what ya done was the best thing to do, 'cause I know he's a lot better off being up there with you. He's probably grazin' where the grass grows stirrup high with not a single fly to swat, and a cool, mountain stream flowin' close by. And runnin' with that herd of mares, he'll find plenty to do, please tell him this ole cowboy will someday be there too. COWBOY CHURCH There's a place called Cowboy Church We've grown to know and love It's a time when cowboys and cowgirls gather To honor and worship God above Sometimes we gather in the arena, Sometimes outside under a tent It's not the place that matters It's being together and hearing the message God sent This church sure means a lot to me For some, it's the only one they know For some strange reason, when they're home Mom and Dad just don't want to go So thank you Lord for this church We've grown to know and love And bless the cowboys and cowgirls who gather To honor and worship God above
All of Ernie’s poems are a rich testimony to his faith, and it was difficult choosing which two to feature. Give him a howdy on Facebook here.

After graduating from high school Ernie attended Hiwassee College in Madisonville, Tennessee. When he realized he didn’t have the size to play pro ball he enrolled at UT Martin because they had a rodeo team. While attending UTM he won two Ozark region bull riding titles and the NIRA finals in Boseman, Montana. Following college, he continued to ride bulls in the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association (PRCA) and qualified for several South East Circuit Finals and was inducted into the UTM rodeo hall of fame in 2002.
Today Ernie lives in Friendship, Tennessee where he and wife Carol run The Cowboys For Christ Arena, hosting a variety of activities including practice sessions, Cowboy Church and Bull Riding Schools.
“My greatest gift from God is my family.” says Ernie. Ernie’s greatest gift may be the impact he’s making for Christ doing what he loves to do.
Loved the poems! Brought a smile to my face and maybe a tear or two, too.
Aren’t they great? I like all kinds of poetry, but none any more than Ernie’s cowboy poems.
Candyce, thank you for sharing Ernie’s work. My family traveled to the Cowboy Poetry Gathering, held annually during the last week of January in Elko, Nevada. So many beautiful memories were made there. I was in awe and inspired by these cowboys’ stories and work.
I need to lasso up some grandkids and take them there!
Blessings, my friend,
Jackie Freeman
I had not heard of the Cowboy Gathering. Thanks for putting me on to that.
Thank you so much. I’m blessed to be able to “to live the cowboy way”.
A big appreciation of Candyce Carden. A true Southern lady & long time friend.
Thanks for letting me share your work, Ernie. Wishing you the best with the stories you have to tell
I am so proud of my brother and the Christian mark he is making in our world. He “gets it” when it comes to faith and the command to increase the Kingdom! Love you, bro.
Correct you are, Kim. He definitely helps sow the seeds of Jesus. And that he does it through something he loves makes the soil even more fertile.
As a horse lover, I really loved this. I like to think my horses are in heaven and there are NO flies! Ernie the poem about your faithful horse waiting for you in heaven is beautiful. Thank you for sharing and may God continue to bless your ministry. Thank you, Candyce, for featuring Cowboy Church and family on your blog.
I’m glad you enjoyed this Katherine. Ernie has a way with words as he shares his heart. Thanks for your encouragement!
Thank you for honoring Ernie, today. He been a good friend for a long time.
I really enjoyed reading his poems.
Hi Amelia. I love all Ernie’s ballad-like poems. They all tell a story. l It was tough picking only two to share.
Thanks for stopping by.
Ernie and I bonded in the blink of an eye. He was hooked on the round ball
And so was I
So as all us warriors waited with our eyes trained upon the leather sphere on its rise
Us on our side new upon who’s coat we must ride
It had to Ernie because he was the best with the round ball and he would make sure that we wouldn’t fall.
Love ya Ern
Hi Alan. How sweet and funny a line you share about a our friend so fine. Good to hear from you.
Thank you for the kind words about Ernie. He is a trip that’s for sure.
The Ernie we all know and love.
Interesting and enjoyable read! I’ll check out this Cowboy Poets FaveBook. I’m also from Tennessee and I have a few friends who may know Ernie from Cowboy Church!
What a small, small world. Lisa. Ernie is a standup guy — quite a character to be sure.
A cowboy poet. How interesting. I very much enjoyed reading about Ernie.
Thanks, Terri! He’s a neat fellow.
Honored to meet Mr. Ernie today, and read his poetry with a Baxter Black tempo and flair. I reckon he’s just a bit crazy like I am; he must be as he was a bull rider. I’ll stick to heading and healing (when I was much younger of course). Enjoyed the poetry, followed Mr. Ernie, and pleased to learn of the arena. Next time I’m in TN, I’ll make it a point to stop by. Thank y’all ma’am.
Crazy is an adequate word to describe Ernie, I guess. I don’t know you well enough to call you crazy yet, but I’ll take your word for it. You two are similar in the way you both care for and love your animals. And our Lord. Hope you two get to meet one day.
These poems are great! Thanks for sharing, Candyce and Ernie. And for the glimpse of the cowboy life. I would love to attend a service at the Cowboy Church.
Me too. Cowboys are super special people.
Enjoyed this very much…I could just see and hear our friend Ernie riding along on his horse talking to God. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Helen for reading and commenting. It’s nice reconnecting with our school friends to see how they’ve blossomed and grown. Ernie really has a heart for God.
Are you expecting impact from Hurricane Ian. Please stay safe, my Floridian friend.