Lying Lips Are Not the Only Way We Lie

I eagerly opened the box from a home goods store. Would the three new counter stools be as perfect as I thought? I opened one and admired its beauty. These would definitely work.
After emptying the box, I realized I had an extra stool. Puzzled, I checked the order to see if I had ordered four stools instead of three. The order was correct. Next, I checked the charge on my credit card. It also was correct. The store had made the mistake.
I loaded the extra stool in the back of my car to return.
“Not many folks would return this,” the store employee said to my hubby and me, her eyes round with astonishment.
While she completed the paperwork, a customer walked over and commended us. I brushed it off. It was the right thing to do, after all.
I hope I don’t sound self-righteous. I’m not. The truth is, I haven’t always been honest. The Holy Spirt brought the following memory to mind to quell any notion of self-righteousness.
When I was a teen in high school, my older sister Katy took me and a friend shopping one Saturday. My mission was to find a plaid skirt to go with a tobacco-colored sweater I planned to wear to homecoming.
After trying on a few skirts, my friend helped me choose the best one. Not only was it a perfect match, it was on sale for 20% off.
When the young clerk figured my savings and requested an amount lower than expected, I paid without batting an eye.
My friend and I giggled about my good fortune on the way home. The girl had charged only 20% of the skirt’s original price.
My big sis overheard us, and scolded me. She turned her car around and went back to the store to correct the error.
As my faith grew, I recognized that action for what it was: dishonest and deceitful. It was a lie. The Bible tells us Jesus detests lying lips. And while my lips didn’t lie, I did.
Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD. But those who deal truthfully are His delight.
Proverbs 12:23 (NKJV)
The Bible Study Tools Dictionary defines a lie this way:
To practice deceit, falsehood, and treachery either by word or action; (Emphasis mine)
Here’s the definition found in a modern-day dictionary:
A false statement or action especially made with the intent to deceive; (Emphasis mine)
I’m sorry to say my sister’s example didn’t lead to immediate remediation. God still had work to do. He continued to mold me and help me grow spiritually.
Fast forward a few years.
During a hectic Christmas shopping season, an arts and crafts store gave me ten bucks too much in change. I pretended not to notice in the busyness of the day. I tried to rationalize my decision: Big Business lies to us all the time.
Later, waiting in the grocery checkout line, God compelled me to face my lie. I admitted my sin and asked forgiveness. I dropped a twenty in the Salvation Army bell ringer’s cup and hurried away, ashamed.
Lying is the work of Satin in our hearts. God knows we’re imperfect and will sin. But “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 NIV).
I’ve heard lying called the common cold of spiritual diseases. It’s hard not to lie. We exaggerate, we minimize, we selectively forget. We choose not to confront. We pretend not to notice. But that doesn’t change what it is. It’s a sin and will interfere with our relationship with God. Unless we repent, lying will prove deadly to our spiritual health.
As obedient Christians, we can and should embrace truth.
Lying is the common cold of spiritual diseases. #deceit #truth Share on XBut now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator
Colossians 3:8-10 (NIV)
Image by philm1310 Pixabay
Thank you for your honesty in sharing and great reminder.
Thank you Candyce. It’s a great reminder that those easy to overlook sins are sometimes the ones that when we choose to do right testify of our faith loudly.
Candyce, your wonderful and transparent post reminds me of times I’ve made the wrong choice. Your words caused me to search my heart, and they made me thankful God loves, forgives, and continues to teach us.
Thank you Jeannie. Writing this helped me see how much I’ve grown in my spiritual journey. And aware there’s still work to be done. He meets us where we are.
Thankful that God never gives up on us. We need to remain aware of the many ways He blesses us spiritually.
Candyce, I expect most of us have a similar memory that we are quite ashamed of. I know I do. The wonderful thing is, Jesus keeps shaping us, molding us (like the potter) so that we can achieve good character. I’m so thankful He doesn’t give up on us. Like you, I recall some things I did as a teenager or young adult with acute disappointment in the person I was then, but through God’s faithfulness, I grew in strength of character, faith, and kindness. I’m still not perfect, it’s something I work on every day. Thank you for sharing.
Love your transparency and the encouragement you give.
This is so rare in today’s society but when someone does the right thing as you did, those actions reflect Christ to the world. We are the only Bible some people will ever read and your choice in returning the stool spoke to the store clerk. I’m sure they will remember that transaction for a long time.
“We are the only Bible some people will ever read.”
I like that Barbara. I’ve never thought about our Christian witness in that way. I need to keep that thought at the top of my mind in all I do and say.
Thanks for sharing that story. You make a good point. God would never bless that type of behavior. Those folks have no idea what a spiritual blessing is.
Your prayer is mine too. But if only one person is reached, that’s fine with me too.
Thank you for sharing 😘
Thank you Michelle. Something I felt led to share this week. And thank you for subscribing!
So related to this post Ms. Candyce. Not long ago, I entered my feed store (not the local one), and asked the counterperson to charge me for 13 bags of feed, but only load 12.. I went on to explain that the last time I was in I purchased my normal 12 bags, but when I unloaded at home I found they had loaded one extra. I kept it, and fed it, but made a mental note to correct the next time I made the 50-mile round trip to get feed. The counterperson commented, “Most would never do that.” I agreed, but felt a sadness that so many in our society, even here in “God’s country”, would’ve have kept silent and viewed their dishonesty as a blessing. God doesn’t bless us when we just go along with a wrong. In both our cases, we knew we couldn’t be a part of stealing from someone else. Praying many will see your post and re-evaluate the lies they may be living. God’s blessings ma’am.
Thanks for sharing that story JD You make a good point. God would never bless that type of behavior. Those folks have no idea what a spiritual blessing is.
Your prayer is mine too. But if only one person is reached, that’s fine with me too.