In His Word, I Place My Hope


by Candyce Carden

Dear Gracious God,

I felt a connection with You this morning that’s been missing for the past few weeks as I’ve succumbed to burdens, feelings of unworthiness, disappointment, and hurt. And as I sat in silence with You, I emptied myself. I gave it all to You.

 As has happened many times before, hope was reborn, peace settled over my soul, and I felt your everlasting love wash over me. Letting go of my burdens created space to receive Your joy. Thank You, Lord, for your faithfulness, for always waiting on me.

Advent Season

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13 (NIV)

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.

Psalm 130:5 (NIV)

But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

Have you grown weary? We all do at some point. We feel used up, depleted. We grieve for loved ones no longer with us. A friend betrays us. We face unexpected challenges of many sorts.

Whatever your burden is today, give it to God. Spend time in His presence, renewing your hope and strength.

Advent is a time of turning inward to listen for His voice, to meditate on what is truth, to accept the joy found only in Him. God carries our burdens when we turn them over to Him with trust.

Wishing you a joyous Advent Season.

Here’s a link to a free 25 Day Advent Reading Plan which will help cultivate a sense of waiting and expectation in our hearts.

Immersed in His love,


In His Word, I Place My Hope @Candyce Carden Click To Tweet

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  1. “Advent is a time of turning inward to listen for His voice, to meditate on what is truth, to accept the joy found only in Him. God carries our burdens when we turn them over to Him with trust.” Yes! He does when we take the time to surrender them to Him. Thanks, Candyce.

  2. When we find ourselves sinking into despair it’s sometimes difficult to reach out to God and seek His help and guidance. I know from personal experience that pride, distraction, or anger overtake me and I’m slow to reach out to my loving Father. Praying for you, dear friend, and for all of us, that God is our first line of defense (and offense) as we face the stresses that pile up and lead to despair and hopelessness. Wishing you a blessed and joyful Christmas and a Happy 2024.

    1. Thank you, Katherine. Thankfully, God understands our delay in reaching out to Him and forgives us immediately. He always restores us to spiritual health when we seek Him. Merry Christmas to you as well!

  3. Candyce, I was so moved by your prayer as well as the blog post. I needed to read and pray for myself, “Heavenly Father, letting go of my burdens creates space to receive YOUR joy.” Why do we want to hold on for so long before we turn it over to the Lord?

    Thank you for following God’s leading in your writing and your life. May you have a blessed Christmas with family and friends.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. I think I hold on so long because I think “I’ve got this. I can handle it.” And then one day, I can’t. And what a relief it is to find my Savior waiting for me once again. You’re right — Why let it go that far? There is no need for worry if we stay focused on Him always.

      Merry, Merry Christams!

  4. Psalm 130:5 is now on my list of favorites. “In his word I put my hope.” I like that. It’s tangible. Something I can grab hold of. “In the beginning was the Word” and “My word shall not return void”. Blessings, Candyce.

  5. thank you for your thoughtful insights on casting our burdens on God during this time of Advent! I pray your and your family will have a blessed Christmas, Candyce!

    1. Kathy,
      Nothing makes me more aware of God’s presence than turning to Him with all my troubles and worries. He faithfully eases my worry and fills me with peace ,leaving space to reflect on His goodness, mercy, and love.

      Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  6. Candyce, your words are a beautiful expression of the place we all find ourselves from time to time. The past five years I’ve struggled with disappointments and insecurities. Like you, I find my prayer time alone with Jesus brings me renewed hope. Keep writing and sharing. I look forward to the day I hold your beach devotion in my hands! And possibly a work of fiction with a beach setting!

  7. Amen Ms. Candyce. I’m right there with you ma’am. I too am going through a “season.” I’ll get through it, I’ll survive, and I pray God helps to grow me through the process. It’s hard sometimes, but it’s what love does. Like you, I have to remind myself that my hope, the only true hope, is found in God and His Word. I stop and look at the end game and I find the strength to move forward again. Lavela WS1265 capsules have helped take the edge off of those feelings too. God’s blessings and I’m praying your quick exit from this path my precious friend. In His word, we find hope. Amen!

    1. Thanks you, J.D. for commiserating with me. One of the good things about age is we do have a bank of experiences behind us that prove, time and again, how faithful God is to us. We hope in Him because He has shown us we can trust Him. Praying for you, as well. And thanks for the tip.

  8. Romans 15:13 has become a favorite verse of mine to center my thoughts as I begin my day. And hope: His Word, character, and promises offer stability in disappointments and uncertain times. Thank you for today’s post.

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