Fall Newsletter and a Little Inspiration

by Candyce Carden @CandyceCarden
Nothing says Fall more than Candy Corn with its autumn colors and connection to upcoming holidays. The candy is fun and sweet, and Fall is a fun and sweet time of year for me. I love getting family and friends together to watch the big games and celebrate the holidays.
Hospitality is on my mind this month as I begin planning Football Saturdays and family oriented holidays—Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I find joy in hosting family and friends with food and fun. Hey, I could also add food and fun to my alliterative title. (Apologies – I do get carried away.)

What does my other word, faith, have to do with Fall? I won’t go into a Bible study on hospitality, but hospitality was a highly regarded virtue during biblical times. Many Bible verses instruct us to be hospitable to one another. One of my favorites is
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
(1 Peter 4:9)
I sometimes get carried away and plan too much. This season, I’m working to let go of the impulse to overdo so as not to overtire myself. I want to be a Mary who serves with joy rather than a Martha who grumbles about it (Luke 10:38-42).
The Write Life or the Right Life?
In addition to hospitality, life has presented other opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus this season. So much so that writing got pushed to the back burner.
- A sick friend needed help with transportation and meals
- Increased time helping my daughters with my grandchildren
- Packing Saturday Sacks with my church for underserved children who would not otherwise have enough food to eat over the weekend.
When I fret over lost writing time, I’m reminded that time spent serving the Lord in any capacity is never wasted. Serving others makes us more like Jesus. and helps us grow spiritually.
Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.
(Matthew 20:28)
Serving God by serving others is the finest use of our time. Writing is not the only way God calls me to serve, and I pray to remain open to those opportunities.
Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord.
(1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV).
2 Hospitable Ideas

Fun and Easy Snack Mix
6 Cups caramel corn 2 Cups salted cashews or peanuts 1 Cup candy corn 1/3 Cup raisins Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Story in an airtight container.

Decorate a Tiered Tray
This white tiered tray came from Hobby Lobby. Adding seasonal or holiday decorations to it lends a festive touch to family gatherings. I usually don't have to buy anything new when I change it. I just pull from what I already have on hand.
A Bit of Writing News
I’m excited to have a couple of writing pieces included in the newly released book, Feed Your Soul with the Word of God Collection 2. My story, “Cattails in the Marsh” is about the difficulty in waiting on God’s timing with patience and cheerful endurance. The other piece is a devotion titled “Sunflower Wisdom.”
This banquet of thirty short Bible studies can be purchased on Amazon. Makes a worthy gift for anyone hungry for God’s word.

Until Next Time
That’s it for this newsletter. Thanks for reading! If you know someone who might enjoy receiving my posts, please consider forwarding them a copy of this newsletter. I plan to resume my regular biweekly blogging schedule next week. Unless God has other plans.
I appreciate your comments on my posts. But if you’d rather contact me directly, simply reply to this email. Your comment will appear right in my inbox. I love hearing from y’all.
Enjoy Fall!
Immersed in His Love,
I think that’s going around this week – God branches us out, like J.D. said, to do additional ministry opportunities. It’s a joy to write when we can, and God has all kinds of adventures for us to share His love with people. And I love your articles in Feed Your Soul!
Thank you, Katy. Another blessing to be thankful for — time to write! And acceptance of the fact that it’s just not always going to be available because God has other work for us to do
Candyce, Great insight! I am far too often the Martha “worried about so many things.” I appreciate the wisdom of planning to simplify. Happy Fall and thank you for inspiring a balanced perspective.
Thanks, Sylvia. Wishing you a joyful holiday season!
I feel your pain about lost writing time, but like you, I usually come aroud to the fact that I can’t get it all done and sometimes I need to sacrifice writing time. Most of the time, it’s a service that needs to be done that pulls me away. Those are important (like grandchildren or church projects). Thank you for reminding us it’s the “right life” that counts. Congratulations on the release of Feed Your Soul, II. I’m looking forward to receiving my copy.
Thank you, Katherine. I think we all strive for balance. It’s a juggling act for sure, and we can’t do it without the peace the Holy Spirit brings.
Loved and needed this message as life gears up for the busy holiday season. I want to enjoy sometime sitting at the feet of Jesus as we celebrate Thanksgiving and His birth. Thank you Candyce
Yes, we need time with Jesus to restore and redirect us. And for so many other things.
I can identify with feeling frustrated or irritated over lost writing time. More than once, I’ve had to remind myself that time lost for writing often means I’m busy interacting with those around me rather simply sitting in front of my computer writing about interaction with people. Lol. Happy fall, Candyce. May you find Jesus in ALL that you do.
I appreciate your comment Terri. I’m going to recall it the next time I’m in a funk about not maintaining my scheduled writing time.
Thanks for the little taste of fall, Candyce! Blessings, Barbara
I always enjoy reading your special life insights. They always inspire me and me make think about things differently. You really hit a home run with me on today’s message. I am going to try your special fall treat too. I know your girls and grands really enjoy their fun beautiful and fun mom/grammy.
I appreciate your kindness and loyalty from the bottom of my heart. Love hearing from you.
I sure appreciate your thoughts about “lost writing time” my friend. I too find myself lamenting not being able to write as much as I want, when I want, but as you point out, if I’m serving God in some other way, then my time is not lost at all, but God is branching me out. 🙂 God’s blessings and congratulations on the new book. Looking forward to reading your studies. I just know they’re terrific. Just like you are, sweet friend.
I strive for balance with writing time, family time, fun time, serving time, wellness activities, all all the other demands on our time. I’m learning to give myself a little grace and to be content doing what I can do. I believe God is pleased with us as long as we do our best on any given day. And our best differs from day to day.
Thanks for your thoughtful and kind comment!
I needed this reminder to simplify. November and December require I slow down! Always the struggle between the write life and the right life! Congratulations on publishing with the Kaufman’s.
Thank you. I love the Kaufmans and everything about their mission. Absolutely, I agree we have to work to free up some internal space during the next couple of months. Striving for balance with you!