Beach Flag Days – A Metaphor for Life

by Candyce Carden @CandyceCarden
You’re no doubt familiar with the color-coded flag system in place at the beach:
- Green Flag – calm conditions and low risk; the safest
- Yellow Flag – moderate surf or current; medium risk
- Red Flag – high surf and strong current; extreme hazard threat
- Double Red Flag – the water is closed
I spend a fair amount of time in Destin, Florida. This summer, the number of drownings on the Gulf Coast on yellow flag days has alarmed me. As June ended, at least eleven people had drowned after getting caught in rip currents. Panama City alone claimed seven victims, all male.

Yellow flags are commonly on display right down the road from Panama City in Destin. People don’t pay attention to these cautionary flags, which fly almost daily. The waters don’t appear all that threatening, and the ocean fills with folks taking a dip to cool off. All seems well.
Green flags fly less often. But occasionally, calm conditions prevail and present a low hazard risk day.
Red flags are a rare sight in Destin. During the threat of the recent Hurricane Idalia, I saw my first red flag. The waters were ferocious and visitors avoided the thrashing waves—except for a few surfers.

Beach Flag Days Can Serve as a Metaphor for Life
The Red Flag Days
In the life of a Christian, the red flag days are those which automatically drive us to the safety of our Savior. We are on high alert when we face health issues for ourselves or loved ones. Alarm bells clang through our system when a sudden loss derails our carefully laid-out path. Weighed down with anxiety, exhausted from sleepless nights and the dance of moving one step forward, then two steps back, we cling tightly to God.
And God draws us close and gives us the peace, reassurance and love we need. Satan doesn’t stand a chance during our Red Flag Days.
The Green Flag Days
The green flag days are the mountaintops for us. God answers a prayer we’e just about given up on. We land the desired job. A wayward child graduates college. The doctor deemed our mother cancer-free after many roller coaster months of chemo. During the green flag days, our heart points to God. We rejoice and praise our Savior all the day long.
Satan avoids us during these highs because our faith holds strong.
The Yellow Flag Days
Most of the time, life is a yellow flag day. Christians need to beware of the yellow flag. Life grows mundane. A few bumps, some slightly shifting sand beneath our feet, but nothing we can’t handle. We sleepwalk through our days, meeting responsibilities with little friction.
We might even grow bored with the sameness. We take God’s gifts for granted, because of the sheer abundance of them, and forget the Giver.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father… (James 1:17 ESV)
When we’re bored, we fail to seek His face, focus on His goodness, or invite Him into our day. We’re more likely to drift from God during yellow flag days, unaware of the moderate rip current, the undertow of Satan.
Satan knows we’re more vulnerable during yellow flag days. Maybe we crave excitement to take the edge off our boredom. We might look toward worldly attractions. Satan lurks nearby when we reach this point, and he’s sneaky. He’ll do all He can to drive a wedge between us and God.
Satan searches out the weakest among us to wreak his havoc.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8 NIV).
We must keep our guard up at all times. God arms us to fight Satan, even in our weakness. He will protect our faith with his unlimited power. But we have to resist Satan’s pull by making time for God, no matter what color the flag is.
We must keep our guard up at all times. God arms us to fight Satan, even in our weakness. He will protect our faith with his unlimited power. But we have to actively resist Satan’s pull by making time for God, no matter what color the flag is.
Beach Flag Days – A Metaphor for Life Share on XPut on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11 NIV).
What color is your flag today?
I really enjoyed this Candyce! Great analogy. Complacency as a dangerous current is a great reminder. Thank you!
You’re so right. Complacency is dangerous current – (I like that nod to rip tides.)
You did a great job of using a simple concrete concept to explain spiritual truth. It’s a great memory tool. Thank you, Candyce. And now I want to go to the beach!
Come on down, and I’ll show you around!
Another vote in the “Terrific Analogy” column, Candyce! Your mention of 1 Peter 5:8 brought to mind what I heard a speaker say years ago: Satan may prowl around like a lion looking for someone to devour, but Jesus pulled his teeth at Calvary!
Oh, I do like what the speaker said! It reminds me of the strength we have in Jesus and helps eliminate the fear of Satan. Thanks for stopping by.
We do need to stay connected with God even on the green flag days. I find it easy to forget to connect with God when life is good but always reach out to Him on the red flag days. Thanks for reminding me to stay in Him no matter what. Good post Candyce
Thanks, Yvonne. The good news is God is always there when we’re ready to connect with Him.
I’m always amazed at how many people I see in the water when the flags are red! Great analogy. We just need to heed the flags. Blessings, Candyce.
You’re right, Terri. Heed the flags by paying attention to God’s Word. It does require some diligence on our part.
Great analogies for the Christian life from those beach flags. Thanks so much, Candyce.
Thanks, Kathy. I know you live in the mountains. Do you enjoy the beach too?
Candyace, I’ve experienced flag days of all colors. And we do need to be aware of Satan’s schemes every day!
True! Satan is deceptive and sneaky.
Stand stromg.
From one beach lover to another, I love your flag analogies, Candyce. And as you stated in Ephesians 6:11, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” This is important for all believers at all times.
Thanks, LuAnn! Another love we share, along with hiking, nature, and sweet romances. Enjoying what brings us closer to God helps us wear the armor well.
Always enjoy your posts Ms. Candyce, but this one is especially poignant. Not only from a spiritual perspective, which I believe you nailed, but also from an OPSEC viewpoint. With all the turmoil in the world today, I find myself in an almost constant “Yellow state.” In this state, we can not afford to let our guard down in either case. Great post ma’am. Thank you.
Thank you, JD! Thanks for bringing up the “operational security” issue – another challenge we face in today’s world. Wishing you a productive and blessed day on the ranch.
Those flags are great metaphors for our lives. We do seem to drift into complacency on yellow flag days. This can be a warning to us to be more alert. Thanks for sharing, Candyce.
Complacency is the devil’s friend in more ways than one. I have to be proactive in maintaining vigilance against his attacks.
Have a great week, Barbara.
I enjoy the beach, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become much more cautious about swimming or playing in the ocean. The statistics you share are scary. I’m so thankful for our Lord and Savior, our protector and “lifeguard” in all situations. Thank you, Candyce.
Same here, Katherine. I’m much more cautious about the water and baking in the sun. I love your idea of the Lord as our lifeguard.
Good analogy 🙂
Thanks, Jennifer! Appreciate the comment.
Blessings on your journey.