It’s Not Raining Rain To Me; It’s Raining Daffodils

My daffodils bloomed early this year, in the middle of a dreary and wet February. Their sunny yellow color seemed misplaced on the gray, misty day when they first appeared. They were, of course, a welcome sight because daffodils mean spring is near. Where flowers bloom, so does hope.
I’ve never given daffodils much thought before, just accepted their appearance each year as a symbol of spring and Easter. But my little bunches of daffodils stood out so oddly this year they demanded I stop and consider them.
The botanic name for daffodils is narcissus and their petals can be white, yellow, or light orange. Daffodils were brought to Britain by the Romans who incorrectly thought the sap from daffodils had healing powers.
Folklore attaches luck to the spring flower. It was once a common belief that fortune would smile on those who avoided stepping on daffodils. In the British Isles, the first person in the neighborhood to spot the first daffodil of spring would see more gold than silver coming his way.
Other Fun Beliefs
- To give someone daffodils is to wish them luck. BUT, give them an entire bunch because a single flower can bring disaster and harm.
- Displaying fresh daffodils in your house will attract an abundance of good things.
- If you need love, wearing a daffodil close to the heart is said to attract love.
I mentioned I associated daffodils with Lent because I often see them pictured with the Cross during this season. Interestingly, in England, daffodils are known as the “Lent Lily.”
While there is a legend circulating in cyberspace that daffodils bloomed when Christ rose from the tomb, there is no mention of this particular flower in the Bible. I think spring flowers in general serve as reminders of the resurrection.
As well as many other things.
I love this Martin Luther quote:
“God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars.”

God uses flowers and all of nature to teach us Biblical truths. But sometimes maybe He simply wants us to pause and appreciate the beauty of His world.
God uses flowers and all of nature to teach us Biblical truths. But sometimes maybe He simply wants us to pause and appreciate the beauty of His world. Share on XWith this in mind, we took a leisurely drive over the mountain on Sunday afternoon to see the daffodils blooming at Gibbs Gardens. Located in Ball Ground, Georgia, the garden is home to 20.000,000+ daffodil bulbs during March and April. Not all of them bloom at the same time, but the number in bloom was staggering and a sight to behold. Amid all those daffodils, I saw our Creator and drew closer Him.
After a lovely day, I awoke to more rain. At first, I was annoyed. Then I recalled a poem by Robert Loveman—a writer I profiled six years ago. The title of this post is taken from his poem, “Rain Song.” Here are the first two stanzas:

It is not raining rain to me,
It’s raining daffodils;
In every dimpled drop I see,
Wild flowers on the hills.
The clouds of gray engulf the day,
And overwhelm the town;
It is not raining rain to me,
It’s raining roses down.
My husband and I were just talking about the beautiful blossoms today as we left church! I love how they add such beauty to the world after the bleak winter and offer the promise and glory of the hope of the resurrection that’s just around the corner. Thanks for sharing, and the pictures are beautiful!
Thank you, Julia. I’m thankful to live somewhere with distinct differences in the four seasons and enjoy them all. But spring is probably my favorite.
This is such a beautiful perspective. I too love that Martin Luther quote. It’s wonderful to sense God in the beauty He created… Even in this broken world, a world that’s a mere shadow of the new creation is to come, we can experience His presence. Imagine how amazing the trees and flowers will be in the new creation. It’s amazing to think about.
I can’t even imagine that. The beauty on earth is but a glimpse of what’s to come in God’s Kingdom.
God has created a beautiful world. I enjoy traveling to other parts of the USA to see different flowers, birds, trees, and so much more!
Me too! And I continue to be amazed in all sorts of environments. If we are amazed on earth, imagine, as Joshua pointed out, how amazed we will be in heaven.
“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” That’s beautiful and I’m holding on to that hope. I love daffodils and their sunshiny, cheerful gift of hope. I learned so much from your post. Thank you for brightening my day.
Thank you, Katherine, for commenting and sharing my post. I do appreciate you and your kindness.
Thanks for the beautiful post. I love daffodils and can’t wait to see them in NE Ohio.
Thank you, Stephanie. Maybe they’ll come early for you too this year.
Candyce, what a refreshing post. I loved reading about daffodils and the beautiful poem. God certainly reveals much of Himself in the wonders of creation when we stop to notice.
Thank you Jeannie. I’m thankful for the different cycles we go through in life– even seasons of ugly weather. They help us appreciate the sunshine at the end of the rainbow.
What a wonderful perspective. I love how you can find the beauty God has placed in this world just for us, even on dreary, rain-filled days. Thank you for brightening my day young lady. God’s blessings.
The beauty of spending time with Him is the way it opens our soul to see Him in ordinary moments. I don’t know about you, but we’ve had our share of rain this season!