Hindsight is 20/20


I’m excited to share Leona Coker’s poem this week which is a review of the extraordinary year that was 2020! I look forward to getting these gems from her every December! This one, filled with humor, sometimes poignant, and always truthful, helps put the past year in perspective.Thanks for sharing with us, Leona.

Hindsight is 20/20

by Leona Coker

As year twenty-twenty is nearing its end,                                                                                                                                      In a year such as this...oh where to begin?                                                                                                                                     First month of the year...I traveled to Greece                                                                                                                           Then soon came the word, that travel must cease!

Cruise ships were anchored and countries locked down.
All due to a market in one China Town ...
The stock market fell, midst fear of the worst...
"A Global Pandemic!" we said, with lips pursed.

Sports events cancell...we sheltered in place,                                                                        And virtual learning replaced face-to-face.                                                                          Grocery shelves emptied,and businesses closed.                                                                      Our bare bottom need became one of our woes!!!!  

As more were infected, with this Covid-19,                                                                             Being socially distanced became the routine.                                                                              We worked from our homes, in comfort attire. 
And watched lots of news…ALL of it dire!

If Corona alone was just not enough,                                                                                   Protests and riots — political stuff…                                                                                   Wildfires, a dust cloud, an asteroid miss….                                                                                Add locusts, and “murdering” hornets to this!!!

Amidst all the hubbub, a new normal began,                                                                              The hand-shaking greeting may need a new plan.                                                                      But more time at home, let think-time return.                                                                              If hindsight’s 20/20, then what have we learned?

We’ve learned ways to store, our collection of masks                                                                And measuring six feet … no longer a task.                                                                                  We learned the real color, of uncolored hair.                                                                             And learned Zoom can hold meetings from everywhere.

We traded out Uber for grocery apps,                                                                                       Door Dash and Curbside! Be there in a snap!                                                                             Yes, Covid has brought on some quarantine pounds.                                                                  But thanks, Tik Tok, for new recipes found!

While masking our faces, we’ve unmasked our soul,                                                                Gave the gift of our presence, had time for a stroll.                                                           Finished projects undone, or started one new                                                                        We’ve cooked and we’ve talked, and we’ve drank a few too!

So, whether a Bat’s the culprit or not…                                                                                     This bat _____ crazy year, sure won’t be forgot!                                                                       Our lives have been changed! It’s taken its toll!                                                                       Let’s wipe it away……then let the good times roll!!


Copyright 12/2020 Leona Coker, used with permission

A Review of Year 2020 in Rhyme: While masking our faces, we’ve unmasked our soul, Gave the gift of our presence, had time for a stroll. #2020 #poetry #humor Click To Tweet

Of the many talents of Leona Coker, one of my favorites is the annual rhyme she writes for family and friends that summarizes the year just ending. I think this might be the best one yet. We’ve never seen a year quite like this one. Thank you, Leona!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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  1. Sometimes humor is what gets us through the tough times. I really enjoyed Leona’s poem and it gifted me with a smile (which are sometimes few and far between these days). Wishing Leona and Candyce and your families good health and much joy in 2021.

  2. What a joy! And what a great way to sum up this year. Thank you ladies; and God’s blessings. Ms. Leona Coker; I’ll be looking you up on social media ma’am; I need more inspiring and humorous Christian writing friends in my life. Don’t we all?

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