God’s Direct Deposit to the Heart

After placing my brunch order one Sunday after church, I removed my eyeglasses. When one of the “arms” snapped cleanly off the frame, I groaned and added a visit to Pearl Vision Center tomorrow to my must-do list.

Alas, the glasses couldn’t be repaired. Because I depend on my eyeglasses, I had to buy new ones.

After an eye exam, I selected a new pair. The tech took me through the order process as she tallied the cost.

Sticker shock.

I’m pretty sure my first car cost less. I paid a deposit of half the total cost to guarantee assembly and shipment. Once delivered, I’d pay the balance and own the glasses.

Was I ready to proceed? 

I had no other choice.

As I read my Bible later in the day, using an old pair of glasses, a verse grabbed my attention.

In 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 (NIV), Paul writes:

[God] set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

Ownership. Deposit. Guarantee.

The three irritating words heard during my morning’s purchase now soothed me. Comforting words, positive and hopeful.

Let’s break them down:

1. Own:

God set his seal of ownership on us.”

belonging to oneself;
used to express immediate or direct kinship;
to have or hold as property;
to have power or mastery over;
to acknowledge to be true, valid, or as claimed; 

God’s ownership as creator extends over all things. Those who have received the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ are doubly owned by God, since Jesus purchased our redemption through His death and resurrection. How calming it is to belong to God, to know we have direct kinship with Him.

2. Deposit

and put his spirit in our hearts as a deposit.”

to place especially for safekeeping, or as a pledge;
to lay down;
to offer, 
to give; 
to put

God’s deposit is His Spirit, and what a gift this is. Everything that happens between God and us happens through the work of the Holy Spirit. It’s a down payment that reaps many rewards. Regular contact with the Spirit keeps us on God’s path, draws us into intimacy with Him, and produces the fruit of life (Galatians 5:22-33).

3. Guarantee

“guaranteeing what is to come.”

to undertake to answer for the debt, default;
to give security to;
undertake to do or secure;
to assert confidently;
a pledge; 
a part payment in advance

God’s guarantee is the promise that we will remain in God’s possession throughout this life and into eternity. He will never forsake us or let us down. Also signified here is the debt Jesus incurred for us on the cross.

When we invest money, our hope is to earn dividends and interest. God invests in us when He deposits His spirit into our heart. Our role is to work for Him, increasing His kingdom, helping to spread His love.

How will you work for God today?

God's Direct Deposit to the Heart #ChristianLiving Click To Tweet

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  1. “How will I work for God?” A wonderful question to ask myself each morning and one that I should ask myself each night. Was my day invested in some way in kingdom work, or was it wasted in this world? Powerful thoughts here Ms. Candyce. Thank you ma’am.

    1. Yes, I did draw hope from these words made even more meaningful by my personal experience. I love the different ways God communicates with us. He knows how to best reach each of us.

  2. I love how God uses the ordinary events of life to show us a deeper message. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas Candyce

  3. I love how God connected your experience with His Word. Your post reminds me to be listening for His voice all the time. Thanks, Candyce.

    1. Thanks Jeannie. Good point that we should always be listening for God’s voice. That reminds me that quietness and solitude must be a part of each day.

      Wishing you a blessed Christmas.

  4. I love the way God works! That verse resonated with you after your trip to the vision store. God is so good to open up His Word to us in ways we can understand and apply it to our lives. Thanks for sharing your understanding with us!

    1. Me too,LuAnn! Those words in that particular verse had never stood out in quite the same way before. I did feel God was speaking to me letting me know He was with me in the pain of my having to spend money for new glasses.

      Merry Christmas!

  5. I’ve always loved the words ‘deposit’ and ‘guarantee’ in 2 Corinthians 1:21-22. There’s so much security and hope in the thought that God has deposited his Spirit in us as a guarantee of his ownership of us. He’s sealed the deal.

    Merry Christmas, Candyce.

      1. No problem, Lisa. I understand how that can happen. I’ve often wished for an edit button for my comments. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and commenting.

        Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  6. Thank you Katherine. Your comments always encourage further reflection on my part. You are a valued friend and encourager.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  7. What a message of assurance, Candyce. I love the way your delved into this topic–Ownership–Deposit–Guarantee, and developed your post so that we know God’s love for us, His creation, and that He continues to value us beyond our ability to comprehend. It justs amazes me to consider the God invests in me (it’s humbling, too). Thank you for sharing–your words make me reflect on what I am doing to be a suitable return on God’s investment. I’m falling short, but still trying.

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