God Was on the Mountain

Summer Newsletter
The answer may not be at the beach,
but should we not at least check?
You know how much I love the beach. I always find God there, waiting for me amid the cattails, in the seabird’s call, and in the rhythmic sounds of the ocean. The above quote sums up my life philosophy. However, I just returned from another fabulous Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference. And let me tell you, God was on the mountain! Over five-hundred people praising, worshiping, learning. and loving together. Yes, it was lively, and God’s presence was strong. Of course, God can always be found when we seek Him, but there is power when we seek Him in number.

The Selah Awards
I mentioned in my spring newsletter that I was a Selah finalist for my devotion, “Comes a Warm Sunbeam.” I’m happy to announce it won second place!
See the full list of contest winners here: BRMCWC Award Winners
Genre Night
For Genre Night, some writers dress as a character to represent their work in progress. I went as a beach comber, combing for devotions at the beach.
I have to rethink my beachcomber look. One of my friends thought I was Little Bo Peep and another guessed an entomologist. Fun Night!

Book Winners
Thanks for joining me for the series, “5 Guidelines to Embrace for Doing Life Today.” I enjoyed sponsoring the giveaways of fellow Christian writers’ books. Their books blessed me, and I’m sure the winners will receive a blessing also. Look for more giveways coming soon!
Tammy K – Winner of From Ignorance to Bliss by Annie Yorty
JD W – Winner of Our Faithful Love by LuAnn Edwards
Martha G – Winner of Growing a Mother’s Heart by Karen Whiting
Yvonne M – Winner of Destination Hope by Marilyn Nutter and April White
Wishing you the best summer ever! Stay hydrated, wear a hat, and immerse yourself in God’s love. Praying for all of you.
I loved being there with you, Candyce. Congratulations on your Selah award. It was well-deserved.
Thank you, Annie. I enjoyed seeing your smiling face at Blue Ridge. And congratulations on your multiple wins!
Blue Ridge was an awesome time. I’m glad we got to see each other in person although I wish we had more time to chat. But that schedule is so busy we hardly have time to think! Blessings, Candyce and congratulations again on your Selah award.
We had such a wonderful week at Blue Ridge. Being with you all gifts me with such a blessing. I’m already looking forward to next year! Hoping you have a wonderful summer with lots of opportunities for writing and beachcombing.
Thanks, Katherine. I’m sorry I didn’t have an opportunity to catch up with you and pick your brain a little. Wishing the same for you, my friend!
I’m so glad you and your husband were able to come. Mine came with me, too. He worked and played golf a couple of days. It was a nice break for him. Hopefully, we’ll both be there together another time!
Best wishes on your writing journey!
Agree! I’m so thankful for this conference that operates on biblical principles, a sincere desire to help and support writers, and delivers amazing classes and worship experiences. It was great to meet you face to face!
Candace, I guessed you were a beach comber and I like that you’re looking for devotions! Looks like you found a good one for publication and a Selah award. Congratulations!
Thank you, Lisa! I hope to see you back at Blue Ridge soon. I know you are faithfully committed to caring for your mom right now. I pray that God blesses you and your ministry journey.
Indeed ma’am, God showed up, but He always does when we gather in His name. From starting each morning with corporate worship to ending each day with pensive thought from the evening keynote, I believe God anointed each second of the conference. Genre night was indeed a fun-filled evening, and while you were a delightful beachcomber, you would have been a fabulous shepherdess as well. What a blessing it was to cement our friendship by finally meeting in person.
J.D. Agree!
I’m so thankful for this conference that operates on biblical principles, a sincere desire to help and support writers, and delivers amazing classes and worship experiences. It was great to meet you face to face!