5 Guidelines to Embrace for Doing Life Today ~ Care Deeply

Thanks for being here!
The winner of last week’s book giveaway is J. D. Wininger. J.D. won a copy of LuAnn Edward’s newest novel, Our Faithful Love. Congratulations J.D.! You will find this week’s book giveaway and directions for entering the contest at the end of today’s post.
This week we’re on Part 4 of the lovely benediction: Care Deeply.
As you go... Live Simply Love Generously Speak Truthfully Care Deeply Pray Daily And leave the rest to God.
Care Deeply
“I didn’t realize how deeply I’d love her,” I confided to my husband as I cradled our newborn baby.
“It seems she’s always been a part of us,” he agreed.
When I thought about this week’s post, I associated the words care deeply with the words overpowering love. The overwhelming love a parent feels for his or her child is an example. But according to Bible dictionaries, care and love are not the same.
Care (3199):
- concern; to care about
- especially paying attention to
- forethought, giving thought to
- taking an interest with the implication of some apprehension
This biblical definition of care applies to parents in a big way, however. How we focus on our new little beings. How much forethought and planning goes into their care as we raise them. Taking special interest in each new addition to the family becomes a central concern. And of course, anxiety is involved, especially with a first baby!
In honor of Mother’s Day this week, a mother’s love is used to illustrate the meaning of care deeply. A caring mother illustrates God’s love for us and is a child’s first introduction to the sacrificial love of God
A mother’s loving [care] is a veil of softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
King Solomon understood how deeply mothers care.
Two women approached him, each claiming a baby as hers. To determine which woman was telling the truth, Solomon asked for a sword. He then ordered his official to “Cut the baby in half!” Turning to the women, he said, “That way each of you can have a part of him.”
“Please don’t kill my son!” one of the women screamed. Just give him to her.”
The other woman shouted, “Go ahead and cut him in half. Then neither of us will have a baby.”
Solomon gave the baby to the first woman. In his wisdom, he knew the mother would never consent to her child being killed (1 Kings 3:16-28).
Did you sense the concern in the words of the baby’s mother? The biblical definition says care is not without apprehension. We are anxious about what we care for. The greatest source for anxiety, I’m convinced, is our children and grandchildren. We worry about them. We want to keep them from emotional and physical harm.
God also wants to protect His children from pain and distress, too. We are invited to cast our cares on Him. He cares for us so deeply that He wishes to carry our burdens.
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
(1 Peter 5:7 NLT)
Parents continue to experience apprehension regarding their children even after they’re grown because we never stop caring for them. The best thing to do when anxiety strikes is to give it to God.
Happy Mother’s Day to all. Fill your day with joy, not apprehension.
This Week’s Giveaway

Growing a Mother’s Heart by Karen Whiting. How I wish I’d had this book when my children were younger. It’s filled with hope and encouragement to grow a mommy’s heart. Each weekly reading includes an opening prayer, daily devotional thoughts focused on a biblical mom, a mom from history, and three contemporary devotions, along with wisdom from future moms (our children).
You know someone who will love it, including yourself. It makes a wonderful gift for mothers, young and old.
To enter, simply share a comment on today’s post below. If your name is drawn, I’ll contact you for your delivery address.
Thanks for sharing Candyace. I’m late reading due to my mother’s caregiving. Great post.
The difference between love and care is interesting. I believe love is what enables us to care deeply for others, and when we are invested in caring for someone, love grows from that. I’m enjoying the series!
Love and care are strongly linked, for sure. The thing that is illuminating for me is that concern and worry about what we care for is natural. The key is to give it to God. Otherwise, it can cripple us.
As always, it’s good to hear from you Terri.
Candyce, I found the differences between care and love to be interesting. Thanks for all the points in this interesting series. Blessings to you!
I did too, Annie. It demonstrates to me how important it can be to drill down deeper for a better understanding of God’s Word. Words have layers and layers of meaning depending on context. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful message Candyce. This kind of love changes the world.
I so appreciate your kindness, Yvonne. Thank you and many blessings!
A mother’s love is like no other love on the earth. We do know our heavenly Father loves us more deeply than we can express but because He created mothers, His love is inherent in our hearts. Thanks for sharing, Candyce!
It’s hard to comprehend God’s love for us. But realizing God’s love is even greater and mightier than the love a mother feels for her children gives us an idea of its magnitude. Happy belated Mother’s Day Barbara!
This was such a comfort to read. I have a granddaughter who loves her two children so deeply and because she is a young mother and doesn’t live as close to me as I would like so that I could offer to help care for her 4 yr old and 6 months old, I am going to pass this wonderful article to her.. I think it will help her as she cares and has concerns of being the best mom she can be. Thank you!
I know your granddaughter appreciates your love and support from afar. Motherhood is a scary and sometimes lonely place to be. A grandmother’s concern, even a distant one, makes a big difference. And there is another One who is always near and who always hears us.
Thanks for sharing my article and I hope it helps. God bless!
1 Peter 5:7 is a scripture I keep turning to when worry threatens to overwhelm me. We know that God is faithful all the time and he loves and cares for us. We have His example to live by. I pray He helps us follow that example. I need His help daily to stay focused on loving others. Thank you, Candyce, for this inspiring and encouraging message.
1 Peter 5:7 is a life-giving verse to keep close at hand by memorizing. A great one to claim in prayer again and again when our worries overtake us. Thank you, Katherine!
What a sweet post Ms. Candyce. Your words reminded me that we care for our loved ones because we love them. It’s what love does my sweet friend. As I was reading, I thought back to all the many things (granted, I missed so many that I never even saw or realized) that my adopted parents sowed into me. I’ve said for many years that, “Whatever good might be found in me is because of the love, devotion, and caring that my mom and dad sowed into my life.” Your post magnified that for me today. Thank you ma’am and God’s blessings. And thank you and Ms. LuAnn Edwards for the book. Ms. LuAnn and her husband Mr. Kenn came and visited us here at the Cross Dubya a couple of years ago. What a precious couple.
How very cool that LuAnn and Kenn visited your ranch!
I’m thankful for your adoptive parents and adoptive parents everywhere. How many more lost souls there would be if not for them.
Your attitude and giving spirit continue to be an inspiration for me. I’d be willing to bet you never met a person you didn’t like.
Beautiful! And congratulations, J.D.!
Thanks Ms. Cathy. I’m so looking forward to meeting you and Mr. Brian in a few weeks.
Thanks for dropping by, Cathy! J.D. Wininger definitely is a winner.