The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Last Thursday, I set my alarm for the optimal viewing time of the blood moon—2:30 a.m. This red moon occurs during a total lunar eclipse, or when the sun, Earth and moon align in that order. The Earth’s shadow prevents sunlight from reaching the moon, causing the orb to glow scarlet.
Scientists view eclipses as a physical phenomenon, but God’s handprint is all over them. God formed the darkness and the light, and eclipses are part of His master design. During biblical times, celestial events served as signs from God, often carrying divine messages (Luke 21:25). The word “eclipse” doesn’t appear in Scripture, but the Bible mentions the sun and moon in contexts that describe solar and lunar eclipses.
Here’s one example:
I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight.
(Amos 8:9 NIV)
The Bible actually references a “blood” moon:
The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood.
(Joel 2:31 NIV).
Eclipses and other celestial phenomena proclaim God’s authority over creation. They speak of His power and majesty. They show God’s involvement in our world today. Everything that happens in nature is within God’s control.
When my alarm dinged in the wee hours, I scrambled out of bed to see His blood-red moon. Maybe God had a message for me? I also wanted a photograph for this post!
But cloud cover intervened. Instead of a brilliant red moon, I saw a distorted, murky one. Many thanks to Yu Kato on Unsplash for the title image.
Disappointment flattened me for a few seconds. I’d interrupted precious sleep for this? But while the fogginess interfered with my perception of a red moon, it did not interfere with my sense of God’s presence, His glory and grandeur. And as my eyes scanned the vast sky, I rejoiced, comforted that He controls everything in life.
Let’s wake up to God’s involvement in creation. Let’s view these celestial events—the next eclipse, meteor shower, blue moon, or comet—as God’s invitation to stand in His presence and gaze at the splendor of heaven.
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands (Psalm 19:1 NIV).
Thanks for reading, and as always, I welcome your thoughts! Did you glimpse the Blood Moon last week?
Immersed in His love,
I enjoyed and shared the article. Great lessons and like you, I had clouds distort the moon. Great use of biblical illustrations in the article. Who knew the Bible mentioned a blood moon?
Right!?? I wrote a a devotion titled “Eclipses” and came across Scripture referring to a blood moon. Shortly afterward, I read about the rare lunar eclipse in March that would feature a blood moon. I had to see it!
Thanks, Jimmie.
Loved your statement: “Let’s wake up to God’s involvement in creation.” As dormant trees bloom and flowers push through soil Spring is one more way we are awakened to God’s gifts in seasons.
Right! How can one help but notice God’s glory in the springtime? All of our senses are engaged (sneeze, sneeze) and most of us are well-over winter’s cold dormancy.
Wishing you a continued spring in your step and in your heart, Marilyn!
Creation sure does proclaim the glory of God!!
Yes! And I’m partial to Spring – I am loving watching the earth wake up, day-by-day, as Spring makes her annual appearance.
Blessings, Kathy!
I confess, I slept through the eclipse, although I considered (briefly) the thought of setting an alarm. Of course, the next day when I saw pictures posted (like the one you shared), I regretted not getting up. God’s awesome creation always amazes me–eclipses, rainbows, sunrises and sunsets, mountains, the ocean . . . I could go on and on. But my point is, when God is in it, it’s going to be amazing. Spring is a wonderful example. He’s also in us, and sometimes, we do amazing things, too. When we work for Him, He is with us each step. Some of the challenges He gives us are the hardest actions we’ve ever attempted, but He will stay with us through til the finish.
It’s okay that you didn’t get up – you are usually up at dawn every day and need to sleep when you can! You make an interesting point. Humans are part of God’s creation, and because of Him, we can shine to. We can help shine His glory. Thank you for that simple reminder.
You are evidence of His staying power through challenges! You have two books published and just launched a podcast. I am in awe of you because I’m discovering how challenging such work is. Wishing you continued success as you work with and for God.
You are a devoted moon observer! I should have set an alarm to see it too, but I thank you for your perspectives. The heavens do declare the glory of God, and they give a powerful statement.
Barbara, I’ve seen other lunar eclipses but never one featuring a blood moon. It was worth getting up for even though it wasn’t as vivid as hoped for. I’ll have to wait about two years to view another one. Thanks for your comment.
Good morning, Candice. I didn’t arise to see the moon. But I love your thoughts. His Glory is plain to all who take time to notice.
Sorry, auto correct respelled your name
You are correct, Jeanne. His glory is plainly in sight for all those who wish to see it — day or night!