Immersed in God’s Love

Rather than making New Year resolutions, I love the practice of choosing one word to focus on for the new year. Past word choices have included enough, thrive, rest, prepare, and restore. Word focuses that have helped me grow and learn or change an incorrect way of thinking.  

I seek God’s guidance at the end of the year until a particular word settles in my brain.

My 2025 Word of the Year is “Immersed.”

The truth of God’s love is simple, yet complex to grasp. I understand it’s free and that I can’t earn it. Still, I often doubted I deserved it and rarely felt worthy of it. So began a journey to embrace the lavish love of God.

We often associate the word immerse with water, as when we plunge vegetables into water to blanch, or when we dive into the pool to swim.

In the Bible, the word immerse is synonymous with baptism:

baptize — batizo 907 (Strong’s Greek)

  • to baptize, to immerse, to dip

“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ”

(Galatians 3:37 NIV).

Another definition of immerse is:

  • to involve oneself deeply in a particular interest or activity;
  • to be completely involved in something[i]

“Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress”

(1 Timothy 4:15 ESV).

I considered other words, such as “grasp” God’s love. That’s what I want to do. Not only comprehend it, but seize it with both hands and gather it into my heart. But before I can do that, I need to immerse my soul in God’s love.

In 2025, I’m going to intentionally focus on an immersion experience. I solicit your prayers that I’m able to fully receive God’s love as I immerse myself in it through prayer, reading, and journaling. It’s His gift. How could I reject it?

I’m curious. Do any readers practice picking one word, or idea, to focus on for the year? Drop it in the comments below.

If this tradition is new to you and you’d like to try it, these resources will help:

Choosing a Word Aligned with God’s Truth

What’s Your One Word?

If you’re interested in immersing yourself in God’s love along with me, these books are wonderful:

Learning to be Loved

The God-Shaped Heart

Immersed in His Love,



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  1. Great word, Candyce! My word for 2025 is “focus.” My verse is 2 Corinthians 4:18–So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Focus my eyes on Jesus and my faith in Him.

  2. I love picking a word for the year and I also try to pick a verse that supports the word in my life. Last year, my kids got me an inexpensive bracelet with my verse and I got one for myself for this year to continually remind me. Thanks Candyce.

  3. Candyce, Immerse is a great word for 2025! This creates a picture to apply thoroughly soaking in the love of God. Thanks for sharing. I don’t usually pick a work, but God is working in me to always rejoice and think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and things of good report. If only we’d grasp what God has for us.

    1. Thanks for your input, Lisa. I imagine God is thrilled whenever we rejoice and think on good things.

      I think of your caretaking responsibilities often. My sweet niece is now her mother’s (my sister) caretaker. It’s a hard and bittersweet path to navigate.


  4. I don’t make resolutions or choose a word for the year. That being said, I do feel that God is speaking to me about community and cultivating that in my life this year. Already, He’s presented me with opportunities. As an introvert, the prospect of connection is a little overwhelming. But I trust Him to know what I need better than I do.

    1. There you go, Terri. Community. It’s an idea as much as a word. You may not have chosen a word, but it sounds like one choose you through the Father. I’m interested in hearing how it develops.

      So sorry for the loss of your dad.

  5. I don’t select a word for the year, but I always enjoy reading what others have chosen, their reasons, and the application. “Immersed” is a wonderful choice and I’m praying for you. I love the imagery that word brings when speaking of drawing nearer to our Lord.

    1. I like the word, too, Katherine. It’s used in education a lot, as well as art experiences, etc. The connection to “baptism” also appealed. I appreciate your prayers and will be praying for your writing ministry.

  6. This year I chose two words – surrender and create. For my life these go together because the more I surrender the more free I am to create with God. Thanks for sharing this word for your life, Candyce. Blessings as you pursue God’s will!

    1. I like the way you stated that, Barbara. Surrendering to God does seem to create more space in our lives. And it can be so freeing. Thanks for sharing your word(s). One year I had a phrase rather than a word.

      Blessings to you as you create this year!

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