Following Our Spiritual Light

The sunflower is one of the world’s most familiar flowers. Replicating the pattern and colors of the sun, it resembles its namesake. The flower grows tall and proud and symbolizes vitality, devotion, and adoration. Who can resist a smile of delight when looking at one of these beauties? No wonder it’s recognized by so many.
The sunflower has another characteristic that relates to its name. It follows the sun. A young flower faces east at dawn, waiting patiently for the sunrise. Throughout the day, it slowly tracks the sun’s light as it moves west across the sky. Then during the night, the flower gently rotates east to begin the cycle again.
This movement of the sunflower is due to its uneven growth. The east side of the stem elongates during the day while the west side grows at night, stimulating the constant rotation. Facing the sun gives the flowers extra warmth which better attracts pollinators.
Once a sunflower reaches maturity, its overall growth slows. The plant gradually stops turning westward during the day because mature sunflowers react more strongly to the sun’s early morning warmth.
I wish I was as devout and loyal as the sunflower in seeking out the spiritual light in my life. Just as the sunflower needs physical light to survive, we need the spiritual light of Jesus to thrive.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life” (John 8:12).
It’s much easier to follow the light of Jesus when our life is going well, when all is sunny and bright. But what about those times when darkness descends:
- a broken relationship
- a gut-wrenching medical diagnosis
- the loss of a loved one
- an employer who doesn’t need us anymore.
We’re going to face struggles in life. Struggles when numbness threatens to overtakes us. Struggles that leave us in a state of paralysis. Struggles when depression and hopelessness loom on the horizon.
But Jesus promises we never have to walk in darkness despite our clouds of pain. He is our refuge. He is our strength. The key to peace when walking through dark times is to draw close to Him.
“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always” (Ps 105:4).
Even on gray cloudy days, the sunflower continues to follow the sun. In fact, the flower can point us to the sun’s position in the sky when we can’t see it. Let’s be as faithful as this unique plant in seeking Jesus, our spiritual light. Again, and again. Day by day.
By keeping our eyes fixed on Him, our dark times won’t overshadow our source of inner light. But it doesn’t end there, for Jesus also tells us:
“You are the light of the world” (Matt 5:14).
Jesus said he came as the light of the world, but he also instructs us to be a light of the world. We can reflect His light by the way we lead our lives—loving others as He loves us. His light shines through our actions, words and thoughts. When we faithfully follow Him, we add light to the world.
Sunflowers are true followers of their source of life, the sun. As believers, let’s become devoted followers of our source of life—Jesus Christ. By seeking His light, we find peace in our struggles and cast His light into a dark and hurting world
Sunflowers are one of my favorites. They seem so “happy.” Thanks for sharing this informative and inspiring message. Jesus brought light to a dark world and as you remind us, we are called to be a light for Him by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. I hope that sunflowers will remind us all of that calling to “be a light.”
I like to look for life’s little object lessons in creation. This is a beautiful one I’d never really considered before. Thank you for passing on your insights!
Thank you, Michelle. We only have to stop to see and listen to find those lessons.
Candi, this is a heartfelt and deeply moving devotional! It meant a lot to me that you are doing this to share your faith and increase ours! So proud of you!
Thank you, sweet Brenda.
I love your analogy of sunflowers and seeking after the Light of Christ. They are truly happy flowers. And when we look into His face, we find happiness, peace, and contentment too.
Sunflowers exude happiness and always lift my spirits and fill me with gratitude. Thanks for reading!
“Even on gray cloudy days, the sunflower continues to follow the sun. In fact, the flower can point us to the sun’s position in the sky when we can’t see it. ” This is a wonderful analogy for being the light of Christ! We must follow the “Son” because we never know who may be looking at us to “see” His location. Thanks for sharing!
That’s really good, K.A.! Thanks for taking the analogy a step further.
We see God in so many of His creations. Love your writing and thanks foe sharing.
Right! If we pause our life for a moment to really look — and listen!
This is s wonderful thought and reminder to us. I’ll recall these words when I see these beauties.
Thank you, Ellen. I think messages from God can be found in all of nature.
I’ve never understood why, but have always been amazed at them. Thank you so much for the post. Sunflowers was my mother-in-law’s favorite flower in all the world. I wonder how much your explanation impacted her decision. In fact, our devotional site is entitled “Son”Flowers.
Love the spiritual connection of “Son”flowers and Sunflowers! Thanks, J.D.