A Summer Full of Joy


by Candyce Carden @Candyce Carden

My summers are numbered now. They no longer stretch out before me, a long winding path on a board game to be played again and again. Consequently, I reached out to grab this one with both hands.

Summers have always occupied a special room in my heart. After my years as a student, I spent many more years in the classroom. Only teachers can appreciate what a gift summer is to hardworking school teachers.

This one has been exciting. The shiny eyes of the grandkids as they embrace the gift of freedom that summer break offers. Sleeping in. Playing outdoors after dark. Swimming pools. Barbeques. Sleepovers. Vacations and daytrips. A welcome change in routine.

Since I’m on the clock and didn’t want to miss a thing, a flurry of activity filled June, coloring my days with delight, zest, gusto, and joy. My heart spills over, but my energy wanes. As we approach another full month of summer, I had to reexamine my initial goal. Was it biblical?

God intends for us to experience joy and delight.He smiles when we do.

“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full” (l John 15:11 ESV).

Jesus came to give abundant life, and joy is a fruit of the Spirit. But if we don’t unplug from life on earth and plug into our heavenly Father, we become depleted rather than full. When we run too-speedy a race to grab what God came to give, we risk missing out. I needed to slow my pace to actually receive the “full joy” He offers.

Life gets mighty precious where there’s less of it to waste.

Bonnie Raitt

The above lyric from Bonnie Raitt’s “Nick of Time” hits home. The meaning behind the song fueled my summer intentions, but it wasn’t entirely true.

Our True Sourxe of Joy

I needed to engage with our true Source of Joy. For all the abundant things Jesus came to give, the first part of His call is to be with Him.

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31 NIV).

God is teaching me to peacefully let go of that which slips away as we age, such as a loss of energy and stamina. This doesn’t mean I become a couch potato. It means only that I let go of my compulsive decision not to miss out on anything despite what the world tells me when it proclaims, “YOLO!” (You only live once).

God tells me otherwise. A life lived with Jesus is precious and never wasted.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Cor 4:18 NIV).

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:28 NIV).

My summers are numbered now. They no longer stretch out before me, a long winding path on a board game to be played again and again. #Joyful Summer #Summertime Share on X

Have a joy-filled summer! Don’t forget to recharge by resting with Jesus. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Congratulations, Annie Yorty.  Annie was the winner of last month’s book giveaway by Dr. Katherine Pasour. A wonderful gift for someone off to college this fall. Click for more info.

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  1. Thanks for the reminder of where our true joy stems from, during the fun of summer and all year round. I sometimes find myself getting caught in a FOMO mindset and need to refocus on what’s truly important. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  2. Great thoughts for consideration, Candyce.

    I particularly resonate with “It means only that I let go of my compulsive decision not to miss out on anything despite what the world tells me when it proclaims, “YOLO!” (You only live once).”

    I too am choosing to step back instead of diving in.

    Until He is done with us here… here we remain.

  3. I pray God fills all your summers (and mine) with His true Joy. Thanks for sharing this lovely message Candyce

  4. The older we get, it seems summers fly by so quickly. Thank you for reminding us that Jesus wants us to rest, but also to find joy in living a life focused on Him.

    1. Do you ever feel as I do? That you MUST grab every opportunity to enjoy life because time is running out? I think we have to balance this desire with our need to stay plugged in to Jesus to experience true life and joy to the full.
      Thanks for commenting.

  5. Like you, Candyce, my desire is to continue to participate in all the joys of this world even as my stamina wanes, so I really appreciated your post that reminded me that the joys of this world are gifts from God, but not to be put ahead of the joy we have in Him.We need to find our true rest and joy in God alone.

  6. Each day is a gift and we do need to cherish the time God has given us. If Jesus needed to separate Himself from the activity around Him on occasion, then we certainly need to. And thanks, Candyce, for being a teacher. I appreciate what all of you do.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. Yes, Jesus provides the perfect model for how to leave and we need only to follow His example.
      EnJOY the remainder of your summer and get some rest.

  7. Candyce, I was thrilled to receive Katherine Pasour’s excellent book. Thank you! Also, I’m one of those who hates to miss out on anything, so I’ve fallen into the mindset you describe. You’ve reframed my thinking today.

  8. When temperatures hit the 100 degree mark, I find myself wishing for summer to hurry on by. Seriously though, there is a slower pace to summer even with the added responsibilities of the garden. I try to find the joy in each day, to see the gifts God has left for me to discover. The joy we find in him is lasting and pure.

    1. It’s been hotter than usual during this last week in June. And we have July yet to go! Another reason to back off our hectic schedules and schedule some rest periods.

      The gifts I enjoy from the (not mine) garden are another reason I celebrate summer. I cook more than usual this season. I’m so appreciative of the work of gardeners, such as yourself—a true labor of love.

    1. Summer is a gift from God for many reasons. I’m thankful He provides seasons and natural pauses for us throughout the year. But there’s something about summer . . . .

      EnJOY the rest of the season!

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